Global Green Beauty Awards
The Global Green Beauty Awards, now in its third year is slightly different to the Global Makeup Awards for three main reasons:
- The focus is Green & Clean beauty products
- Categories for beauty brands / products which are ethical, natural, organic, vegan, zero waste or cruelty free (not all at once)
- There are no launch date restrictions
- A wider scope for all beauty products
We've seen a shift in what consumers are looking for, and people are ever more conscious of not just what they are putting on their skin, but the ethics surrounding those products. How they are sourced, the ingredients, if they are organic, is the packaging natural? This is an eco-friendly, green and ethical beauty awards.
The Global Green Beauty Awards keeps this in mind with the product categories and is for those brands that want to reflect their greener ethos.
It is also more environmentally friendly to not rebrand or package so we have no launch date restrictions. We want to show you the best in environmentally conscious and cleaner products with our Global Green Beauty Awards.